About the FBPC

The Franklin Business Park Consortium (FBPC) is an ever-growing collaboration between the 70 companies and thousands of employees that together make up the Franklin Business Park. As one of the 10 largest industrial parks in Wisconsin, the FBPC seeks to leverage our industry expertise, resources, and ideas to continue growing the local and national economy and improve job opportunities here in Southeastern Wisconsin.

From workforce development and collaborations with local learning institutions, to fostering apprenticeship programs and corporate collaboration, the FBPC hopes to generate mutually beneficial relationships between job creators and the community as a whole.

Create a thriving and progressive business consortium whose member companies and employees grow through mutual association.

To help businesses and employees of the Franklin Business Park achieve their highest levels of success through professional development, collaboration, and community engagement.

Be a “biased to action” consortium that seeks solutions to shared challenges through the “power of many” approach to provide future opportunities that otherwise would not have been realized. 

About the FBPC-Values